Almost 2 years ago, ECA 1.0.0 was published, and a lot happened in the 23 months in between. Today, ECA gets its first major update which comes not only with a ton of new features but also with code clean-up, performance improvements and support for the latest Drupal core releases 10.3 and soon 11.
LakeDrops Blog

It's in LakeDrops' genesis: supporting Drupal as a product, Drupal's community and the Drupal Association. This is mutually beneficial since Drupal is the fundamental component of every single LakeDrops project, so giving back is the best possible investment of the company to ensure a prosper and sustainable future.

There are plenty of reasons why an update of Drupal sites based on version 7 to the modern platform of Drupal 9 or 10 can be a challenge. Limited resources come to mind, but more often missing features due to not yet working modules are blocking the otherwise useful update plan. The good news explored in this blog post, thanks to the ECA module those missing features may no longer be holding you back and that's why now is the best time to get started with the Drupal 7 update.

November 2022, Hamburg, Germany: the Splash Awards ceremony was long awaited and ECA made it to the top, together with many other very successful projects from Germany and Austria. Being awarded with a special price for the "Biggest Community Value" is exceptional and this blog post publishes the project application for the Splash Awards because that nicely describes, what makes ECA so exciting.

Time for a recap, 4 months after ECA release 1.0.0 back in July 2022. Hundreds of site using ECA already, extremely positive feedback from the community, new features in the making and honoured with the special "Biggest Contribution Value" award by the German/Austrian SplashAwards 2022. We couldn't have hoped for a better start of the project.

When the marketing department suddenly requires synchronizing some product data from an MS-SQL database into their Drupal 9 site to display that data in a view - and keep that up-to-date on an hourly basis. A quick recipe.

Never thought of Drush's embedded web-server as being useful - until it helped us in a complex enterprise environment. Short story about what's happened.

While Drupal's page cache is really great, personalization of content may be tricky - this article brings a recipe on how to get it done.

A huge milestone for the ECA team has finally being reached: it is available for everyone to give it a try. ECA and its main modeller BPMN.iO are considered stable and ready for testing and almost production ready. This is a big achievement after 11 months and around 3.000 hours of architecting, developing and testing the new rules engine for Drupal 9 and 10.

Development in ECA has been intense over the last 4 months, since we first presented this new module to the Drupal community. Let's catch up with all the features and ideas, that already made it into it.
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