ECA - New rules engine for Drupal 9+
Jürgen Haas
13 January 2022
The Rules module for Drupal 8 is still in its alpha release stage … still needs significant work. (Excerpt description tr_rulez)
ECA doesn’t care!
Gateways, as a kind of extended conditions is also supported, not fully functional yet.
Imagine, multiple fields of an entity get changed by an ECA process. By default, Drupal core actions would save this entity every single time, which would not only waste lots of ressources, it would trigger additional events every single time.
ECA prevents this by aliasing the responsible core class:
class_alias('Drupal\eca_content\Plugin\Action\FieldUpdateActionBase', 'Drupal\Core\Field\FieldUpdateActionBase');
Integrated by Camunda BPMN module.
Integrated in Drupal UI. Everything is provided by BPMN.iO module.
ECA got started to provide a “Rules” equivalent for Drupal 9 and beyond. While getting close to deliver on that objective, ECA solves additional challenges and helps to trim-down the overhead of each Drupal site.
Provide a tool where people understanding their business logic, but not necessarily Drupal details, can participate in building and maintaining the configuration throughout the lifecycle of the Drupal site.
At the same time, Drupal CMI helps to track all the changes. In the future, we may even be able to support revisions and moderation, so that rock-solid workflows can be applied when needed.
Beta-1 on 3rd November 2021
Beta-2 on 12th January 2022
Stable Release 1.0.0 in early 2022